We believe in first principles. We believe in trying and failing instead of following traditional approaches. Since freedom is one of the core values of our company, anyone who is passionate enough to build something to solve a problem is encouraged to do so, and that's why I chose to build Insights, a tool to make use of the data we had accumulated over the years. I wanted to make it easier for anyone to build all kinds of reports. This idea quickly (and unknowingly) turned into building a generic business intelligence tool that can be used by any business to get a bird's-eye view of their overall performance. I believe Insights will soon be one of the best open-source business intelligence tools, with a crafted user experience and comprehensive features.
Discover our best-in-class query builder to perform complex analysis by knowing just a few core concepts. Build re-usable, dynamic, multi-level, and performant queries without writing any SQL. Combine data across sources to get a complete picture of your business.
Make your analysis more engaging by transforming it into charts, graphs, and interactive tables. Let Insights choose the best chart for your data, or choose one from a dozen charts and customize them to your liking.
Centralize your data by connecting to your databases, importing CSVs, fetching from APIs, and more. Model your data into a clean data repository that is more understandable and ready for analysis.
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